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The New Generation of Pioneers
Mr. Abdulla Bin Hindi
Mr. Nawaf Bin Hindi
Mr. Ahmed Bin Hindi
Vice Chairman and CEO
Ms. Lulwa Bin Hindi
Mr. Abdul Aziz Bin Hindi
Mr. Khalid Bin Hindi
The next wave of Pioneers - A.A. Bin Hindi

Mr. Abdulla Bin Hindi’s profound experience and in depth knowledge created a strong foundation for the Group to build upon. Today, the Group is managed by the next generation of the Bin Hindi family that brings with it a new wave of modern finesse that elevates the vision of the pioneer to an entirely new dimension. This new generation has unearthed new avenues of opportunities and success, as various unconventional divisions of trade and business were explored and developed. Helping the Group achieve new milestones in success, this group of pioneers has maintained the group’s sanctity of business preserving timeless traditional values and business ethics.

Ensuring that these values are awitnessed across all divisions, the Group has successfully conceptualized & executed a Corporate Governance system covering; Structure of the Board, Duties and responsibility of Chairman, CEO and other Directors, Formation of Committees of the Board, Duties & responsibilities of Committees, Rules governing induction of independent Directors and their duties, Delegation of powers and a Senior management organization structure.

As a result of these pioneering initiatives, the Bin Hindi group has been awarded year on year the coveted ISO 9001:2015 certification, testifying its commitment to constantly improve the quality processes and products to exceed customer’s needs and expectations while complying with excellent quality standards.

The Bin Hindi Family Council
The Group has further formed a family council in order to keep pace with the administrative and regulatory requirements within A. A. Bin Hindi family and the group of companies, which is one of the first few amongst Bahrain’s business community.

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